Arriving To Gymnastics
Posted by Natalie Dickinson on 29 January 2013
All gymnasts must be dropped off and picked up by a responsible adult (over 18 years old). Please arrive and collect promptly as the warm up is vital to prevent injury. We need a great deal of assistance to get the equipment out, if you are fit and able then please feel free to give us a hand.
All gymnasts must wear a leotard or sports high cut training top, shorts or fitted (non see through) leggings. Any hair must be tied back and off of the face and no jewelleryworn. Please send your gymnast with a bottle of water (labeled) in a bag. If your child requires medication of any sort (asthma inhalers etc) please put them in a clearly labeled box or bag and make us aware, so that we can access them if or when needed.
Always remember to update us on any changes (contact details, medical or circumstances)